Product Management Capability Roadmap

Steve Cheah
2 min readAug 26, 2022

How long have you worked in product?

And in what capacity?

As a Business or Product Analyst? Product Owner? Or Product Manager?

We all start from different places, and our paths for growth are varied.

In July, Adam Wensor, Craig Brown and the crew from EverestEngineering joined us to run an interactive Career Development Workshop, where we co-created a development framework.

The challenge

For many of us, we stumbled our way into product. Our early days spent trying to work out what we’re supposed to be doing. Slowly building in some reps, and some muscle over time. Eventually feeling more comfortable with the work.

But how can we objectively assess ourselves?

And what sort of things should we work on to improve, and level up?

How might we build a roadmap for ourselves?

Product Management Competencies

What are the core competencies for product management?

This can be workshopped with your team. Alternatively, we leveraged a few experts in the field:

  • Roman Pilcher;
  • Marty Cagan’s Silicon Valley Product Group; and
  • John Cutler
List of Product Management Competencies according to Pilcher, Silicon Valley Product Group; and Cutler.

Next, we grouped the competencies into themes.

Product competencies grouped into themes.
Another view of product management competencies grouped into themes.

Then, we considered what different levels of mastery may look like?

Product Management Competency Themes broken into mastery levels (novice to master)

Like many workshops, it was as much about the journey rather than the destination. However, with a broad mix of tenure in the room, it was a great opportunity to reflect how things can feel earlier on in our careers, and to gain some insights from those who may have more experience.

Thank you

Thank you again to Adam Wensor, Craig Brown and the team at EverestEngineering for running the workshop and hosting the evening, and to our volunteers, Nosh Darbari and Yau Hui Min for helping on the night.

Resources and Additional Reading

Our Product Management Competencies inspiration:

Examples of Product Management Career Development Framework from:

The Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition

Video Facilitation tool for the session —

Originally published at Product Anonymous.

